YFM Training

Our YFM Training support calls are designed to support all YFM directors, teachers, and ministers by sharing ideas and information about topics relevant to those involved with YFM ministries. Each session will include a content portion, which will be recorded and made available on this page as an on-demand resource available for everyone, as well as a discussion portion to exchange ideas and suggestions and make the content practical and usable.

Register to receive notifications of new trainings as they are scheduled.


Janette Jordan
YFM Consultant


Janette Jordan is a Certified Spiritual Educator (CSE) and has been the YFM Director of Unity Fort Worth since 2022. Prior to this, she served as the YFM Director at Unity of Arlington from 2015 to 2022. She was a part of the writing team for the Virtual Curriculum Project. Janette has been a part of the Unity movement since 2012. 

Janette holds a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Tulsa and a Master of Social Work from the University of South Florida.  As a social worker, she worked in community mental health, employee assistance programs, and private practice. She has extensive experience working with children, families, and adults. Janette has acquired her knowledge of education from working in various settings. 

Dates & Times

YFM Trainings are one-off sessions scheduled periodically as needed throughout the year. By registering, you will receive updates when new trainings are scheduled.

2024 Dates & Topics


Subscribe to our calendar to not miss these or any events.

Meeting Location

For convenience, we will be meeting on Zoom. Please arrive early to check your technology.


There is no set fee for any of the events. However, we appreciate your consideration for a suitable love offering.

Guest User Guest User

The Sunday Morning Experience

We all want the youth and parents in our communities to leave feeling good about what they experienced in YFM. Join us for this opportunity to share what we offer, learn about procedures for sacred safety, and to come up with new ideas that can help us improve the experience for everyone.

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All About Recruiting

Recruiting teachers and sponsors to support Youth and Family Ministries can be a challenge. This training will include ideas about steps to take before recruiting, the many ways to recruit, and key points to convey to potential teachers and sponsors.

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Can I earn CEU credits by attending this support call?

Yes! Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM) will accept any hour attending our support calls as CEU credits. The recording and reporting of such hours to UWM remain the responsibility of each individual. Ethics and Inclusivity CEUs are earned as the topics are specifically offered. For any questions, please contact UWM directly.

What do you mean by ministry leader?

A ministry leader is one that leads a Unity ministry whether they are credential, non-credentialed, under special dispensation, or just stepping in temporarily (e.g., board president). Anyone leading a Unity ministry in and outside of our region is welcome to join our call.

I am a ministry leader from a different region. Can I still join?

Absolutely, USCR supports the collaboration across all Unity regions without any limitations.

I need support beyond the these periodic training. What do I do?

Reach out to Janette Jordan at yfmconsultant@unitysouthcentral.org.

I can’t meet at the time and day the meetings are held. Are there any recordings I can watch?

Yes. Trainings will be recorded and posted on this page for all to use as a resource. There is a possibility that some discussions may be removed from the posted video if they are more confidential in nature, so we encourage everyone to attend the trainings in person whenever possible to ensure you are getting the full experience.

Are there any other calls or meetings that provide ministry support?

Yes. Unity South Central Region (USCR) offers several calls and meetings to provide specific support in various areas. Check out our calendar to learn more about these regular events.