YFM (Virtual) Curriculum Project
At the beginning of 2021, USCR initiated in collaboration with UWM the YFM (Virtual) Curriculum Project. Our region funded this initiative with a starting capital of $12,000 to develop the first year of a new, interactive, and asynchronous curriculum for Unity’s YFM program for all ages.
Since then, many passionate curriculum writers, under the leadership of UWM’s Rev. Diane Venzera, have contributed to the project in various capacities. With the first units (lessons) being available, Unity ministries have access to freely available curriculum for distribution to their families and children to either incorporate in their existing Youth & Family Ministry, help start one virtually, or find ways to combine the virtual with with the in-person experience.
10/10/2022: The completion of the project (4 lessons for 12 months) is anticipated by 12/31/2022.
07/20/2022: The first three units (3 months at 4 lessons each) has been published.
01/30/2022: The first unit (1st month with 4 lessons) has been published.
For more information, contact
Rev. Diane Venzera, Project Leader, dvenzera@unity.org, or
Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer, USCR Executive Director, executivedirector@unitysouthcentral.org.
Lessons Are Available
All lessons are available on UWM’s website at https://www.unityuwm.org/youth-curriculum-online.
Purpose & Scope
Learn more about the project’s purpose and scope as well as ways to contribute here.