“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.”
—Steve Jobs
Prayer of Alignment
During the pandemic, Valerie Cary, our Prayer Chaplain and LUT candidate and myself began a discussion about the beautiful words in the Prayer of Protection by James Dillet Freeman that we have been reciting at the end of our Sunday Service for years.
Call-to-Listen provides the congregation with a phone number to Sunday services or any other events live. At minimal cost, a designated phone number can be linked to any broadcast the church chooses to share.
Unity Sacred Service Award
The Unity Sacred Service Award is an effort to honor local organizations or individuals for their service to the community while introducing them to the congregation for inspiring support and outreach.
YFM Wednesday Night Dinner
The YFM Wednesday Night Dinner is a Youth and Family Ministry effort to connect with 6th to 12th graders to provide spiritual education in a casual setting.