Youth & Family

The Unity South Central Region (USCR) employs a teen ministry coordinator to help nurture and grow that aspect of our youth & family ministries (YFMs) in our region. UWM Consultant, Julie Core, is available to work with our YOU Regis.

The youth and family coordinator’s duties are:

  • Support the elected regional officer team in creating, planning and facilitating regional rallies.

  • Consult with directors, sponsors, and leaders in the local ministries to provide support for establishing and building teen programs.

  • Work closely with the board of trustees to promote a program for teens that supports the vision and mission of Unity South Central Region.

Julie Core

Julie Core

Youth of Unity (YOU)

What is YOU?

The Youth of Unity (YOU) is an international youth group for teens ages 14 to 19 (grades 9 to 12). The purpose of YOU is to encourage and assist in the spiritual growth of all young people who are seeking to express the indwelling Christ in accordance with the principles of practical Christianity as taught and interpreted by Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village and Unity Worldwide Ministries. YOU provides youth the opportunity to explore Unity’s principles and other truth teachings and to demonstrate these in their daily lives.

How do I get involved?

Any Unity church or study group affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries may facilitate an active YOU group.

What is an active YOU group?

An active YOU group:

  • Is under the direction of a recognized Unity member ministry of Unity Worldwide Ministries

  • Is active in their regional YOU

  • Includes one or more teens ranging from the ages of 14 through 19 years of age and at least one adult sponsor

A YOU group typically meets on a weekly basis, usually Sunday morning. Youth discuss and learn a variety of spiritual teachings, attend social gatherings, and become involved in their church and community. Officers, or a leadership team, are often elected to help plan for the local group.


Youth of Unity Rallies & Events

USCR hosts the YOU Legacy Rally each year in June. For more information about the Legacy Rally, go to

During the year, a variety of events, including weekend retreats and lock-ins, are organized and hosted by YOU chapters, with the support of the Regional YOU Coordinator. Unless otherwise noted, all events are open to all communities. Please attend the events that work best for your chapter and church.

If your chapter is interested in hosting an event, please contact Julie Core at



Uniteens are our middle school and junior high-aged tweens and teens.

We encourage local chapters to host Unitreats or mini-rallies and invite other area ministries to participate.

Contact Our Teen Ministry Coordinator

Via email:

Via contact form: